It's the first one so it might be best to start with a catch up for the past year. I'll try to be succinct.
In January, after spending a few months looking for a project for them; we finally started working with Craig Knowles and David Ridges, on the animations for a DS game. It's a tie in with Disney's 'A Christmas Carol' and was made in conjunction with Sumodigital in Sheffield.
Dave and Craig fitted in seamlessly and we finished early with a few comments from Sumodigital on how smoothly things had gone.
Always nice.
A lot of credit also has to go to Claire Grey who directed with aplomb and Andy Gubba who took the role of rock.
Craig and Dave have been with us since and brought a new dimension to our design and animation.
In May they helped me finish 'Bump' which is probably best described as an experiment in getting the sound of a brass instrument coming from within a pregnant woman. It's a bit of a curate's egg but when it works it has a certain charm and owes a lot to the people who worked on it.
In October they finished their own film 'Bon Appetit' which you can peek at here:
It's quite the charmer and hopefully will go down well on the festival circuit.
In March we also welcomed Sam Jones. She started on work experience and helped out with animation on 'Streetmonsters'
Since then she has directed our piece for the Mr. Z challenge (not available to view at the moment, but a snippet can be seen here:
as well as an ad for Camps solicitors. then she has directed our piece for the Mr. Z challenge (not available to view at the moment, but a snippet can be seen here:
as well as an ad for Camps solicitors.
She also brings a new dimension to our design and animation and is Tabasco sauce to the cucumber raita and chocolate Guinness cake provided by Knowles and Ridges.